Hi All! I'm injecting a "presenter" object into my...
# koin-contributors
Hi All! I'm injecting a "presenter" object into my compose views and every time a recomposition happens the presenter is recreated, how could I preserve the first created object? I have read that viewModel{} should work that way but I'm using KMM, so I cannot relay on android VM
single {}
But single would create a singleton object, I just want the object to persist recompositions, but gets recreated if I enter the same screen later
I guess I could do something with the remember method of Compose
guess it needs to be scoped accordingly. i don't use compose tho
If you need to create an object that will be “kept in memory” while that scope (a back stack entry) is in memory, you will need to use either ViewModel or a custom solution. You could for example, put the Presenter inside a ViewModel.
If you want a simpler solution (sorry for the self-promotion), you can also use my library for that: https://github.com/marcellogalhardo/retained - it already handle this VM integration + gives you everything a VM would have without the need of inheritance, etc. I created it exactly for the use case you are describing. And it is very easy to combine with any lib, including Koin.
You also could use cokoin which also supports scopes https://github.com/burnoo/cokoin
❤️ 1
Thanks for both responses, I'll check your library Marcello and I would also consider using Cokoin