Question: I see we can load properties from files ...
# koin-contributors
Question: I see we can load properties from files or by manually adding it to Koin by using the DSL. However, from the DSL we can use the type system (it has a generic parameter) but from the file system it is always considered a String. However, when you load the properties you may run into runtime exceptions if you request a type from the file system property. (Please, see the print screen for the comparison). Is there a reason for this design? It feels really misleading and can cause runtime exceptions if you call the wrong combination. In my humble opinion, we should have 3 possible designs here: 1. All are properties typed (primitives). 2. All are untyped (Strings). 3. We separate the concepts of file system properties and normal properties - and each one of these have a different API (one typed and one untyped). What are your opinions?
it’s a real topic 🙂 Something around since the first versions. Properties should be anything your want to share across as config constants
loading property file would load it from external file
Yeah, my main problem is that there’s two versions of
and if you call the wrong one you get an exception. For example, two examples will cause a runtime exception: First example: 1. You load a string from file. ie,
2. You read it with
. Second example: 1. You set a string using `setProperty<Int>(“timeout”, 10) 2. You read it with
. That happened few times in the codebase I’m working as they have a lot of properties (from file and defined in code). 😞
I will open a issue next days, so we can try to figure out how to fix it.
Yeah, good catch. Need an update on that 👍
thanks for reporting an issue