I’m opening this to discuss about the problem Koin...
# koin-contributors
I’m opening this to discuss about the problem Koin is facing with the usage of ViewModel + Compose + Navigation component on Android. See https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C67HDJZ2N/p1628005816001100 for further info.
great, let me review it and see how we can organise
ok, first to understand it will be how we can hook over ViewModel factory instances to keep a scoped instance for a nav graph
A regular ViewModel has its own factory, managed by the underlying Android system
it will create the right instances by its own
Perhaps worse take a look at Hilt way of doing it 🤔
else play around the ViewModelFactory arguments
Is this something to be addressed separately from Compose? I mean, the traditional way of injecting ViewModels should be able to scope it to a nav graph too, right? Is this already possible? Also, is Hilt open source?
Need to check if Koin ViewModelFactory can get/create from a given scope. In the postivie case, we could just adapt/offer a way to work on navigation graph
else at least, we need to be sure that ViewModel can be scoped/create in a scope 🤔
I will take a bit of time to check your code, I believe NavGraph scope with Koin can be quite easy
👍 1
🙇 1
arf, your sample is in compose 😛
would be great to go with “dry” API before making the Compose version
Ok, let me create another repo with traditional view system. It'll be ready this week.
oh, yeah 🙂 great 👍
Hey man, I was busy last week so I couldn’t create the sample repo. Do you still need it? I’ve seen that you’re already working on the ViewModel API rework.
I can perhaps work on “official” sample also 🤔
I am able to help you with anything, so feel free to ask for it.
If you have something around, it can help yes. I don’t know if there is a graph nav sample app 🤔
from google
I don’t know if there’s one from Google but it should be super quick to do. Let me handle that.
ok, just something super quick. one activity 2 fragments, to make just a transition and be sure we can handle a ViewModel from the nav graph
thanks 🙏
Great! 💪
https://github.com/iruizmar/koin-nav-compose-view-toy There you have. Very basic stuff, let me know if you need something different.
Great, let me check that this week 👍
finally another fix to help set a
and then the navigation one if needed
message has been deleted
Looks good! 👍