<@U2JKKPMEE> my plan on using ksp to generate test...
# koin-contributors
@arnaud.giuliani my plan on using ksp to generate tests for the leaves of the graph ( scanning activities/fragments for properties that use
) is not going to work. I'd need ideas/alternatives, is there anything on your mind besides arrow-meta? Btw if we used something like
@Inject val coffeMaker:CoffeeMaker
then ksp could help with that, but that's a big change. https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C013BA8EQSE/p1617015188066500?thread_ts=1616440343.040500&amp;cid=C013BA8EQSE https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C013BA8EQSE/p1617020934066700?thread_ts=1616440343.040500&amp;cid=C013BA8EQSE
@jossiwolf is already working on generating code for
👀 1
I would expect that we generate a module/definition from @Inject
it would run it through Koin
checkModules is then another topic 🙂
we need to put things on table 👍
👍 I've played a bit with arrow-meta today but old version.
there is a must in 1.3.61, need to try 1.4.xx. And quite hard to find material while googling. That said, ksp seems safer and more friendly to debug. But it would need annotations to do most if not all things. @jossiwolf I may offer a hand, but my availability varies too much. Anyway, keen to see what you're into.
Same for me played a bit with meta