Is there a nice way to trigger a restart of a flow...
# flow
Is there a nice way to trigger a restart of a flow that is turned into a StateFlow using
? I’ll show you my use case and try to explain what I mean in the thread 🧵
I have some code that looks like this:
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val viewState: StateFlow<ViewState> = flow {
        ifLeft = { emit(ViewState.Error) },
        ifRight = { emit(ViewState.Content(it)) },
And I want to on demand (user interaction), be able to restart the flow {} part. p.s: I know that this one could be written as something like this
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private val _viewState: MutableStateFlow<ViewState> = MutableStateFlow(ViewState.Loading)
val viewState: StateFlow<ViewState> = _viewState.asStateFlow()

init {

fun retry() {

private fun loadContent() {
    viewModelScope.launch {
        val result = getDataUseCase.invoke().fold(
            ifLeft = { ViewState.Error },
            ifRight = { ViewState.Content(it) },
        _viewState.value = result
But this is just a simplified example. In other cases I have a mix of
functions like this
on the
and functions returning
that I want to use to transform the results of these into a
Just a quick idea, you could have a
restartTrigger.flatMap { yourFlow() }
and emit from the trigger somehow?
Thanks for the suggestion, playing around with this a bit, I am now looking at this:
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private val retryChannel = Channel<Unit>()
val viewState: StateFlow<ClaimDetailViewState> = retryChannel.receiveAsFlow().transformLatest { // same code }

init {
    viewModelScope.launch {

fun retry() {
    viewModelScope.launch {
    // Or maybe 
    // But I think the suspending `send` is a better idea, even if someone spams the retry() function, the transformLatest should just take in the last one anyway.
But it’s a bit weird, since we now have an extra channel in the class, which might not be 100% obvious to a dev seeing it for the first time, plus the need to add an element in the
function 🤔 Do you think we could have this
be something a bit nicer? I thought of it being a
but maybe it shouldn’t? Or did you mean something a bit different?
This is honestly working fine as I’m testing it now, but I really wish there was a way to have this channel start with an initial item in it so that I don’t have to do this init thing? Or not use a Channel altogether if possible, but I can’t think of any other way to do this atm 🤔
Experimenting with it a bit more I’ve got this:
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class RetryChannel private constructor(channel: Channel<Unit>) : Channel<Unit> by channel {
    init {
    companion object {
        operator fun invoke() = RetryChannel(Channel(Channel.CONFLATED))
Which makes it as simple as this to use on the call site:
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private val retryChannel = RetryChannel()
val viewState: StateFlow<ViewState> = retryChannel.receiveAsFlow().transformLatest { // same code as before }
But now I am not sure about the
and if I am digging a hole for myself instead of finding a better all-around approach 😅
Yep I meant
or something along that, but I can’t play around with it right now to suggest something with a default value and I don’t remember what could be used instead
Awesome, thank you so much for the help! It does work at the moment with the limited testing I’ve done, so I’ll leave it like this for now and see if it fits my needs as I wanted it to. If you (or someone else) do at some point come up with something nicer I would really appreciate if you shared it with me though!
instead of setting it up in init, you can add the initial element at the consumer:
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    .onStart { emit(Unit) }
    .flatMap { // ... }
🙏 1
Nice, that sounds better. This does put the burden on the call-site though, which I could negate by adding it to be done automatically inside my
class. But I wonder, this is the second time I see the
being mentioned on the flow, but as I see it in my IDE, it is deprecated. Is it a simple mis-spell, or am I missing something here?
ah you probably want
for this use case. it's deprecated to make it clearer what behavior you want (compare to
👆 1
Made it work like this actually:
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class RetryChannel private constructor(private val channel: Channel<Unit>) {
    suspend fun retry() { channel.send(Unit) }

    fun <R> transformLatest(@BuilderInference transform: suspend FlowCollector<R>.(value: Unit) -> Unit): Flow<R> {
        return channel
            .onStart { emit(Unit) }

    companion object {
        operator fun invoke() = RetryChannel(Channel(Channel.CONFLATED))
And it’s quite straight-forward to use on the call-site. I am not quite sure what I am missing and how flatMap would help here 🤔 Call-site code now looks like this and it seems to suit my needs now:
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private val retryChannel = RetryChannel()
val viewState: StateFlow<ViewState> = retryChannel.transformLatest {
        ifLeft = { emit(ViewState.Error) },
        ifRight = { emit(ViewState.Content(it)) },

fun retry() { viewModelScope.launch { retryChannel.retry() } }
Side note: I don’t really like how I am naming it with the “Channel” suffix now even though it’s not exposed as a
🤔 But I don’t think it needed to implement that interface anyway, all I need is this distinct functionality of it hmm 🤔
Now I see, I can just add this as a function too, if I want the transform block to return a flow instead of having the FlowCollector as a receiver of the lambda to build a flow manually
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fun <R> flatMapLatest(@BuilderInference transform: suspend (value: Unit) -> Flow<R>): Flow<R> {
    return channel
        .onStart { emit(Unit) }