Got a question regarding collecting a flow inside ...
# flow
Got a question regarding collecting a flow inside the scope of mapping some other flow, and I am a bit confused if I could improve the way I am currently approaching this. I have a use case where: I have a stateFlow that holds a Result type of an UUID. With that UUID I am starting a new subscription (a flow) that also returns a result type. Finally with this latest result, if it’s successful, I need to perform another API call to get the final data which I am interested combining the original stateflow data with And all this should at the end maps to the UI state of type ViewState More in thread: 🧵
Initially I was doing a
on the originalStateFlow but realized I wouldn’t be able to start a new flow inside it and emit those values whenever they come in, map needed a value directly or at least from a suspending function. I found out
exists and it was the only thing that I managed to do to get it compiling properly.
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val viewState = originalStateFlow.transformLatest { uuidResult: Result<UUID> ->
    when(uuidResult) {
        Error -> emit(ViewState.Error)
        Success -> {
            val uuid = uuidResult.value
            startSomeOtherSubscription(uuid).collect { subscriptionResult -> // [1] See below for a question
                when(subscriptionResult) {
                    Error -> emit(ViewState.Content(uuid = uuid, extraData = null))
                    Success -> {
                        val extraData = extraDataSupendingApiCall(subscriptionResult.value)
                        emit(ViewState.Content(uuid = uuid, extraData = extraData))
    scope = viewModelScope,
    started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
    initialValue = ViewState.Loading,
Now I wonder: 1. This
inside the flow transformation feels a bit awkward no? Will it work just fine since we’re doing
anyway, meaning that it would be cancelled in case we get a new uuidResult? If I just did
would it keep this flow alive forever (or maybe until viewModelScope is cancelled since it’s launched there with
) and be a problem? 2. Is doing such a whole new collect flow inside this transform context something that is safe to do? 3. Is there a better way to model this entirely? It feels a bit awkward the way that I’ve done it, and I am not sure it’s because I am not used to this, the requirement of what I am doing is just weird itself or if I am just plain out doing something wrong/suboptimal.
1. Not awkward. Yes, you need the "Latest" part or
startSomeOtherSubscription(uuid).collect { ... }
will block new UUIDs from being processed. 2. Yes, it is safe. It's a normal part of creating operators that combine other flows. 3. It's awkward because you have a lot of nesting. Easiest way to fix that is the break parts out into separate helper methods. Here's an example where I replaced the
and then
the result. It's not any safer or more optimal, but sometimes
can read better, IMO.
Copy code
val viewState = originalStateFlow.transformLatest { uuidResult: Result<UUID> ->
    when(uuidResult) {
        Error -> emit(ViewState.Error)
        Success -> emitAll(startSomeOtherSubscriptionHelper(uuidResult.value))
    scope = viewModelScope,
    started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
    initialValue = ViewState.Loading,

private fun startSomeOtherSubscriptionHelper(uuid: UUID) = startSomeOtherSubscription(uuid)
    .map { subscriptionResult ->
        when(subscriptionResult) {
            Error -> ViewState.Content(uuid = uuid, extraData = null)
            Success -> ViewState.Content(
                uuid = uuid,
                extraData = extraDataSupendingApiCall(subscriptionResult.value)
(just typed out in slack so please forgive any errors but I think the intent is clear)
The only issue I see is that when you get a new UUID, you probably want to update your state to Loading.
Just guessing, maybe you want the old data there until you get the new data.
Wow thank you so much Nick for taking the time to respond to this. All your points make a lot of sense yeah. And in this case, you are right that I would want the old data to show anyway, so showing Loading again wouldn’t even be a problem. I think my mental block is that I don’t really think about extracting flow operators in separate functions, but I should treat them like any other code 😅