Hello guys :slightly_smiling_face: I try to updat...
# flow
Hello guys 🙂 I try to update the data into a Flow, but I have this (working) solution:
Copy code
private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(DeveloperUiState(isLoading = true, sectionsItems = DeveloperSections()))
val uiState: StateFlow<DeveloperUiState> = _uiState.asStateFlow()


_uiState.update {
        sectionsItems = it.sectionsItems.copy(
            userSection = it.sectionsItems.userSection?.copy(
                options = it.sectionsItems.userSection.options.copy(
                    userPremium = it.sectionsItems.userSection.options.userPremium.copy(
                        isSelected = isChecked,
                        summary = if (isChecked) "Yes" else "No"
Is there a way to reduce this path to edit a specific variable from an object? Thanks for your inputs!
I'd create extension methods for sectionItems, userSection, options, and userPremium, that call each other. Not less code, but much easier to read.
👍 1
Yes good idea. So this way to update is correct?
Kotlin team has been playing with the idea of allowing mutation operators on var's of immutable types where the var is reassigned to the modified copy. So I think you'll be able to do something like this sometime in the future if all goes well:
Copy code
_uiState.update {
    var state = it
    state.sectionsItems.userSection.options.userPremium.isSelected = isChecked
    state.sectionsItems.userSection.options.userPremium.summary = if (isChecked) "Yes" else "No"
No guarantees though and I'm no expert on the proposal so I may be off a bit.
As fare as I know, that's the only way to do it ... which is why they are looking at ways to make it better.
Okay perfect, thank you Nick for your help!