Im trying to switch between flows depending on ano...
# flow
Im trying to switch between flows depending on another flow 🙂
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val result = state.transformLatest {
            when (it) {
                "a" -> emitAll(emitter("A"))
                "c" -> emitAll(emitter("C"))

        result.collect {
this will print a flow of A+<counter> or “C” +<counter> depending on the last value from “state”. I would like to ignore “unknown” states, but since transformLatest cancels the previous flow even if i don’t emit anything new, setting the state to “B” will just cancel the output, not continue on the previous selected output. Is there a nice way to achieve what I want?
you could filter the unknown states before
Yes, its possible, but then I’ll have 2 places to update and keep in sync when new values should be “known”
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state.filter{it=="a" || it=="c"}.transformLatest
it feels a bit redundant 🙂 I would like to have a transformLatest that only cancels the old job if I emit a new flow, not on all new incoming values.
I don’t think there’s an API for that, other than being able to implement your own operator (which in case of
isn’t that straightforward I think). I’d probably just go for some pattern like
Map<String, ???>
so that I have single source of truth for
filter { handlers.contains(it) }
and for the transform
great minds and all that 🙂 I ended up fixing it with a
mapOf<State, Flow<String>>
and filter
How about:
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   .filter { it.isNotUnknown() }
   .flatMapLatest {
      // Choose output flow
you can just map letter to flow before transform latest:
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state.mapNotNull { 
    when (it) {
       "a" -> emitter("a")
       "b" -> emitter("b")
       else -> null
}.flatMapLatest { it }
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