:wave: I was half expecting kotest to play nice wi...
# kotest
👋 I was half expecting kotest to play nice with Junit5 extensions (such as Selenium-Jupiter) with at least
but it doesn't appear kotest supports
(Junit docs). Am I understanding this correctly?
No it's not compatible with junit rules. What are you trying to do as there might be a kotest way
I was trying to figure out if I could convert a JUnit annotation style test to use kotest and still use the Selenium-Jupiter extension with
(not old style JUnit4 rules). Here's the test in question. I assumed that if I used kotest's JUnit5 engine/runner that the extension would work with
. I was able to get the engine/runner working and convert the test to look like so:
Copy code
class EmailAndPasswordRegistrationWorkflowSpec : AnnotationSpec() {

  fun happyPath(driver: WebDriver) {
But the
driver: WebDriver
parameter is not supplied and the runner/engine fails when trying to execute the test.
I know I could use
to manage webdriver containers, but browsers in containers aren't easy to work with when you want to run tests against something on
Yeah the ExtendWith isn't supported I'm afraid.
Gotcha. I figured as much but wanted to confirm.
I stumbled onto JunitExtensionAdapter. Any thoughts on if it could support the ParameterResolver extension?
Yes in theory it should work, but it's not really tested fully yet.
✅ 1
@Matthew Wright Looks like you’re wanting to write a webdriver based test? did you consider FluentLenium? it provides a kotest integration • https://fluentlenium.com/docs/test-runners/#kotest • example test
No! Hadn't seen this before. I'll check it out