would it be useful/cool to have an arb that genera...
# kotest
would it be useful/cool to have an arb that generates values from a Kotlinx Serialization KSerializer? It's a bit of a nicer, more automatic way of creating binds, without having to define Arbs for all the fields in a target class.
Iirc there's already automatic arbs for data classes (containing primitives or other data classes). How would you use the serializer?
ah, okay, I didn't see any automatic data class arbs. Do you know where it is? What do you mean, 'use the serializer'? At the moment I made an extension function on KSerializer that returns an arb
Copy code
val personArb = Person.serializer().arb()
I meant - How does the extension function work? Do you use the serial descriptor somehow to generate the class? 🤔
ahhh yes, here's the code (I forgot to attach it). It's more of a POC at the mo. I think it could be made more useful, like making it shrinkable
ah okay, yes this is similar to jvmbind.kt. Except it works on any
class, and is multiplatform.
Yeah, the fact that it is available for multiplatform is awesome imo. Biggest drawback is perhaps that it wouldn’t generate edge cases for underlying arbs?
as written, it doesn't do anything clever. No shrinks, no edgecases. I think it would be possible though. Instead of directly generating values from arbs, there would have to be something intermediate to make ArbDecoder get values from edgecases/shrinks