Hmm - after updating to KoTest 5.1.0 I have a prob...
# kotest
Hmm - after updating to KoTest 5.1.0 I have a problem that tests do not start to run when I set
to something else than 1. It worked before - is anyone having the same problem, or is this something specific to the project I am working in? 🤔
Hmm - it seems like it works if I set it to a lower amount manually as well (e.g. to 2). Setting it to the amount of available cores doesn’t. This is strange 😄 It worked with the same settings in an older KoTest version - did something regarding parallelism change in the recent releases? 🤔
There was a lot of parallelism work yeah, but this seems odd. It works for 2 but not for like 8 ?
yeah exactly
So does 3 work.
I’ll play around with the values and provide some feedback
Ok thanks