Hello, I am new on Kotest and i read it's intro wh...
# kotest
Hello, I am new on Kotest and i read it's intro which says it is testing framework for multi-platform test. So can i use it for android project only? i mean its not multi-platform project.
Yes you can use Kotest in a jvm-only project. But Kotest is not compatible with Robolectric afair
ok Thank you @xenomachina Just want to start using kotest and there was no mention for jvm only project.
A multi-platform library means it can be used in various targets supported by the kotlin compiler: JVM, JS, Android, iOS, Linux, Win, Arm, etc
👍 2
@wasyl We actually do have some support to Robolectrric https://github.com/kotest/kotest-extensions-robolectric
I starting with kotest so do not have much information on it, will try with one of sample first after that i can implement it into my project
@LeoColman Sorry about that! We evaluated that a while back (definitely before the most recent commits though) and there were number of challenges that didn’t seem fixable without major changes to JUnit5 and Robolectric (for example to be able to use Kotest APIs to run Robolectric tests on various API levels in one spec class). Not sure how much progress has been made since then, though
Not much
There are many missing features indeed