I am currently using Eventually but still with tha...
# kotest
I am currently using Eventually but still with that, there are times when test fails, the Code under test schedule some task on a separate thread pool, which is supposed to completed with 2-3 seconds yet depending upon the load on CI agent where these test are running they can take say 7-8 second to complete resulting in test failure, one option is to increase timeout duration in eventually above 8 second, but depending upon the number of such test this will increase the overall build time.
Those tests with the long delay should yield resources to the other tests that are actively doing things, right @sam?
The whole point of eventually is that it won't take any longer that necessary
As soon as the test passes, it will yield
That too, but
should give up the coroutine while it's delaying too I think
Give up the thread
The coroutine suspends
Yeah so personally I don't see the problem with a long timeout and a reasonable interval 😂😅
we had a similar problem and settled down changing the executor of async tasks in test to sync. however our stack trace does not include coroutines and uses spring, so we just slapped a bean
Copy code
  fun asyncExecutor(): ExecutorService {
    return com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService()
and lived happily ever after. we tried increasing the timeout on
but after the 3rd or 4th time we patched flaking tests that way we want a more stable solution