Hello, Is there support for returning a value from...
# kotest
Hello, Is there support for returning a value from the new eventually API’s? I’m looking at https://kotest.io/docs/framework/concurrency/eventually.html for details. I currently have something like this with kotest in 4.4:
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suspend fun RecommendationsExhaustedEventRepository.findByCausationIdEventually(causationId: UUID): RecommendationsExhaustedEvent {
    return eventually(30.seconds, IllegalStateException::class) {
and trying to do the same thing with 4.6. FWIW, I’m also fine with leaving the eventually as is, and not moving to the new API, but I get this too:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.Object io.kotest.assertions.timing.EventuallyKt.eventually-8-LJAvk(double, kotlin.reflect.KClass, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1, kotlin.coroutines.Continuation)'
I see that error with Kotlin 1.4.32 and 1.5.30
The old eventually has issues with the experimental duration support. That's why you see the errors and why we added new ones.
@Jim can you return a value from the new stuff ?
I'm 90% sure, I'll check in a sec
does return a value:
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test("eventually returns the result computed inside") {
      val result = eventually(2.seconds()) {
      result shouldBe 1
Thank you. Looks like that works. Might be a good doc update.
👍 1
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