<@U12AGS8JG> I've raised an issue on Quarkus repo ...
# kotest
@sam I've raised an issue on Quarkus repo about getting Kotest properly integrated. I also filed a PR to update the Quarkus example to latest deps, just as housekeeping πŸ‘ One of the Quarkus devs who is more familiar with/has worked on the JUnit integration commented on the repo after pulling the broken example. Whenever you're not in 🌴 mode, do you think you'd be able to join in on the conversation here? Would be appreciated -- I'm not an expert in either Kotest, JUnit, or Quarkus unfortunately πŸ˜… https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/19749
πŸ‘€ 1
Am back later in week will check in then
Sounds good -- enjoy your vacation!
And thank you!
πŸ‘πŸ» 1
@sam If you happen to get a moment anytime in the next few days or so, do you think you'd be able to glance over https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/19749? πŸ™
Possibly with a rough sense of direction either myself and/or Quarkus devs can look into what needs to go into this to get it working, so that I'm not adding on to your workload. (Though I'm not familiar with the Kotest codebase so there's a chance I'm useless but I might at least give it a try πŸ˜…)
I've commented in the thread, but I don't see much in the way of questions. Next steps, can you look over this repo, see if it can be simplified. https://github.com/kotest/kotest-examples-quarkus What we're looking for is the absolute smallest example for a quarkus project, then we can plug kotest in and I guide you on what would need to change. With 5.0 getting close to feature complete, now is the time to add anything major that is needed for us.
For example, that project has docker and native in it, I think that's probably just noise for kotest/quarkus integration.
Sure, no problems. I have a PR open on that repo to update to (then) snapshot Kotest + latest Quarkus -- I will update the PR to remove absolutely everything but a single controller endpoint and a single test for it πŸ‘
That sounds great
I can just give you write access
(Also again updating to latest Quarkus + Kotest)
Sweet = D
Invite sent
any more movement on this?
I've given up. Without quarkus' teams help, it won't happen I don't think. The junit integration they have is extremely complicated and I couldn't pick it apart.
hm. that's disappointing. 😞 Have you talked with them at all? Seems like they're communicative sometimes and other times not so.
Not yet no. What they need to do is abstract the test setup they have so that it's not tied to junit particulars. Easy enough for them to do, but I don't know if they'd consider it a useful use of their time.
I see. Actually they've been trying to pull out a lot of their direct links, as they had the same thing with jackson until just a few weeks ago. They're still slowly abstracting stuff out so it might be worth it to ask them to.
Let me make a ticket.
πŸ‘πŸ½ 1
Feel free to add support to this: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/23460
will do! thanks!
I put a fair amount of effort into this and would also love for this -- but yeah there are only a handful of devs on the Quarkus side familiar with their JUnit special wrapper and the complexity of it was a bit over my head =/
πŸ˜• 1
seems like a bit of conversation is happening on that ticket! Maybe (hopefully) it will go somewhere!
Yeah maybe, but it seems like their replies are "we'd love to see it, but you have to do the work" πŸ™‚
which puts us back at square one
Perhaps if we started a PR they might opine on how to finish it
yeah, that's just from that one person though. and yeah maybe...