Is there a way to find out which git commit corres...
# kotest
Is there a way to find out which git commit corresponds with a given maven release of kotest? We’re using 4.6.2, which seems to be the latest version on maven central, but the last tag on github seems to be
git describe
Commit hash should be in pom.xml on maven central
Do you mean here? I don’t see anything that looks like a commit hash.
Ah yes. It should be under scm.tag. However that's not mandatory for publishing and looks like devs chose not to include that data.
Maybe have a look at their ci to see which job (if any) released it?
How would I see the CI jobs that published to maven central? I’ve seen other projects use a git tag for every release, which is very convenient. It seems even kotest was doing this in the past, at least sometimes. A benefit to using the git tag is also that if you somehow end up on an outdated maven artifact (as happened to us back when kotest changed its name) it’s relatively easy to compare the version in git to the one you’re pulling from maven and see the discrepancy.
Check if they use gh actions or something like that
Thanks. I found a few “release_*” workflows, but from looking at the last few I’m not seeing anything that looks like “4.6.2".
We should make it tag automatically on release. Please make an issue on GH for that.
Or just use gh releases to trigger your workflows (it tags automatically)
That seems useful but sometimes I have to replay the workflows. I'll check it.
You can move the tag if some hotfix is needed and rerun your workflows again
Gh release is linked to a tag and follows it nicely
Ok i can check that out