Hello~! I’m trying to use SpringExtension With Iso...
# kotest
Hello~! I’m trying to use SpringExtension With IsolationMode.InstancePer(Test | Leaf), But it is not working… ex) in kotest-extensions-spring test if I change this code to
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@ContextConfiguration(classes = [(Components::class)])
class SpringExtensionTest : WordSpec() {
   override fun isolationMode() = IsolationMode.InstancePerTest // or InstancePerLeaf
   override fun extensions() = listOf(SpringExtension)

   private var service: UserService? = null

   init {
      "SpringExtension" should {
         "have autowired the service" {
            service?.repository?.findUser()?.name shouldBe "system_user"
‘have autowired the service’ test is broken --- but I change this code to
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@ContextConfiguration(classes = [(Components::class)])
class SpringListenerTest : WordSpec() {
   override fun isolationMode() = IsolationMode.InstancePerTest // or InstancePerLeaf
   override fun listeners() = listOf(SpringListener)

   private var service: UserService? = null

   init {
      "SpringListener" should {
         "have autowired the service" {
            service?.repository?.findUser()?.name shouldBe "system_user"
It works
Might be a bug with extensions vs listeners
Thank you for your answer 🙂 Is it known issue?, or Do I need to open issue?
If you would open an issue that would be great
🙂 1