Hmm, I don't understand why use of ```infix fun &l...
# kotest
Hmm, I don't understand why use of
Copy code
infix fun <B> Either<Any?, B>.shouldBeRight(b: B) = this should beRight(b)
is compiling with whatever type of B that is not compatible with the Either's B type...?
Wouldn't type inference just promote B to be the least common bound of the eithers right type and whatever vale you passed into the function
What would they have in common then? B is given by the receiver type?
Maybe because it is defined as
sealed class Either<out A, out B>
Here the two B-s were a primitive type and class type, so they should not be compatible at all....
They would have Any in common
Hm japp. Anything that could be done to avoid that compiling as it will never work at runtime?
There is an experimental annotation we could try
🙌 1