Also, funny that ignored tests don't appear in IDE...
# kotest
Also, funny that ignored tests don't appear in IDEA U....
@sam What about this? In the IDEA gutters there's a symbol for
tests, but in the run tests panel they don't appear... in JUnit, I think
appeared there, making it possible to see tests that still need to be implemented, but are on pause for the time being.
Not the same as the issue of
... since those, I currently use for planning tests (instead of using comments) that I need to write right away.
so you want ignored tests to appear ?
they should already
xit is considered like
? Or is it just disabled...?
It didn't appear last time I tried
Yeah xit just maps to disabled
it's just shorthand for
test("foo").config(enabled = false) { }
It would be cool to get the reason to show up too