Maybe some sort of extension function
# kotest
Maybe some sort of extension function
that would be good - but I can’t see the listener in the context so I don’t think it can be retrieved
You could add an extension to Spec
I’ve tried looking but during debug I couldn’t find the container listener listed anywhere - do you know a method that could retrieve it?
here’s how it’s registered
Copy code
class KotestConfig : AbstractProjectConfig() {
  override fun listeners(): List<Listener> =
I know it works because the tests work
in any TestScope?
Maybe search for it there and cast it back to the instance you need.
I’ve tried looking through loads of methods while debugging and couldn’t see any listener
maybe it’s in there somewhere but debugging this many nested lambdas is really difficult
Or just save it as a global lazy val in ProjectConfig and refer to it from there? The listener instance is the same, it just starts and stops the containers every test...
I’m working on setting something like that up. I just hoped there was an included solution for passing variables into Specs based on config
I would do somthing along the lines of what Dave suggests. Make the listener a val in your config. It doesn't even need to be lazy.
Copy code
object GlobalConfig : AbstractProjectConfig() {
   val testContainer = ...
   override fun listeners(): List<Listener> {
      return listOf(testContainer.perSpec())
Then you can just do
Note that the config is an object here, not a class
The container itself still won't be started/stopped until each spec is created