It seems like the Kotest intellij plugin's test br...
# kotest
It seems like the Kotest intellij plugin's test browser ignores the context blocks in DescribeSpec...
Also it ignores context blocks when determining if tests have the same name
Yup, that's the first thing I noticed... but it's probably related.
The context thing is fixed in the latest update (pending approval with Jetbrains)
👍🏼 1
@wasyl in 4.5 duplicated names get the (1) (2) treatment like data tests
Just for clarity, the duplicated test warning is a false positive as the plugin doesn’t understand
blocks. So it should also be fixed after the update 🙂
So the IDE won't complain anymore for real duplicates in 4.5?
correct @dave08. Do you think that's an issue? Duplicated test names seemed an edge case to me - we errored because junit would just "hide them" (which is awful)
In 4.5, I made it append (1) or (2) and so on, so they have a unique name
That's required for data tests where you re-use parameters, but I could add an option to error on duplicated names as before if we think that's valuable
But sometimes a test is copy-pasted, the inners are changed and the name isn't 😛... so the IDE complaining is good in a sense...
Yeah, but it just means your test output would be "test I copied" and "test I copied (1)"
4.5 isn't released yet so I can still add the option in if we want
Maybe if the (1) was a prefix, it would be more noticeable...
yes I like that as well
And possibly an IDE warning? A setting might be a plus though, because some (like me), never use duplicate names and prefer the IDE and test crashing to tell them... The only occasion where I came across doubles was with
tests that the only difference was the number of commas in the name...
We'll do this before 4.5 final
👍🏼 1