<@U12AGS8JG>, when you use FunSpec, where do you d...
# kotest
@sam, when you use FunSpec, where do you do AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert)? All in the
blocks (using
just as a textual description), or spread out in the
blocks (possibly with instancePerLeaf)?
I put most vals into the class body itself usually. And then the tests use those. Anything specific to a single test I keep inside test. I don't use context until the test file grows and I want to group
So basically JUnit+, and the
function names are complete in themselves, just using
to group them... interesting. And you use instancePerTest, I suppose?
yep yep
I think in the future I might move to free spec
I like describe spec too actually, I've started to use that in some places
so I'm like 95% fun spec, 5% describe spec
describe syntax is great if you have a subject and each test describes a part of it.
I like that it forces you to give your tests meaningful names
But then the test class name does that, no?
It sounds like FunSpec with the junit unitOfWork_situation_expectedResult naming strategy does the same... I just happened to have VERY long names with more complex situations, so setup ended up inside given or when sections to make things simpler...
isnt FunSpec and DescribeSpec the same except that contest is called describe and test is called it? for describe / it you have to really find a way to describe what the test does in one sentence (describe("the login manager") { it("creates a jwt token"} resulting in this test output:
Copy code
* The Login Manager
  - creates a jwt token
FunSpec, FeatureSpec, ExpectSpec, DescribeSpec, ShouldSpec are all the same except the key words change
WordSpec is different layout. StringSpec / FreeSpec just use strings without keywords.
BehaviorSpec is given when then, and AnnotationSpec is for JUnit migration
A bit of a crazy idea --- if the test styles would each be in a separate maven module, you could technically track how many users actually use each style, and maybe deprecate some... also it would force users to make a conscious choice to opt-in to a style and control the use of styles in a code-base. But managing them would be a bit more difficult.
I like the idea, but it would also cause confusion as codebases would not compile until you added in the new modules. I think the 10 specs we have are regular enough that it works (4 types basically + annotations)
Well, it could be a gradual move, you could have the current module include them all, and give an alternative only including the framework and one for each style.
true, like another framework that didn't include all styles
I use mostly ShouldSpec
And I use the context block a lot. Usually when I'm writing tests for different behaviors in the same class
You put setup code there, or just use context as a grouping construct @LeoColman?
I do, yeah