Hello, is their a reason the experimental SVG api ...
# compose-web
Hello, is their a reason the experimental SVG api only has composables in the
context? The normal HTML elements don't do that. It makes it impossible (due to the lack of JS support for now for multiple context receivers) to write context-aware composables for SVG elements.
It was made so to avoid an issue when SVG composable would be invoked within html:
Perhaps, something like this can help:
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class MyElementsScope(scope: ElementScope<SVGElement>) : ElementScope<SVGElement> by scope

fun MyElementsScope.MyPolyline() {
    Polyline(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,  8, 9, 10)

fun UseMyElementsScope() {
    Svg { 
        with(MyElementsScope(this)) {
or scope instance even might be remembered:
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fun UseMyElementsScope() {
    Svg {
        val myElementsScope = remember { MyElementsScope(this) }
        with(myElementsScope) {
Thanks that looks like a good workaround. I understand the reason behind it, but it removes a lot of language freedom. HTML '_allows_' to put SVG elements inside a DIV but it just wont show anything and it'll probably throw a console error. I don't think this is something Compose-web should enforce. It isn't the responsiblity of compose and this enforcement removes a lot of flexiblity. You could also argue, for instance, for disallowing
elements outside any
. But we have all the freedom to do that 😉 . Or we can add
outside of