<@UJNU95VNC> (and others), I've been playing with ...
# compose-web
@shikasd (and others), I've been playing with your demo (https://github.com/ShikaSD/compose-browser-demo) a bit. My current plan for now is to build on it to integrate some MDC components (https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web) to build a small material layer (I don't need much: button, select, ...) and some base layout components (Row and Column using flex, Box and maybe Layout using absolute positioning). Could we extract/publish your prelude and runtime binaries as a temporary project so that we can work together ?
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Hey, I don't want to publish this thing yet just because it is a bit too experimental, but you can setup gradle build through includeBuild I can share my setup later if you are interested
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Could you add guidelines for this setup to readme somewhere? I'd be interested too
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Pushed my setup here: https://github.com/ShikaSD/compose-browser-external-template It is a bit hacky, but should work for the time being
@shikasd Hi, thanks for sharing the external setup. I guess I did not explain myself correctly. I was in fact asking for a repository for the prelude only (and the runtime obviously) so that we can work together on it. Pull requests and stuff... 🙂
Hm, I think you can submit PRs to current repo, at least :) Let's leave it like this until my changes to compiler/runtime are somehow merged to upstream, so that we could at least figure out where this prelude should be, who would be responsible for its maintenance and how it even should look like
Everything there is right now is more about doing 1-1 mapping to Html, for example and I am not sure it is something we want
@shikasd Ah, really ? Because, I was going to start using kotlinx.html.generate to try and generate `@Composable`s for HTML tags. I am not sure what to do with attributes for now, as we would loose all typing for tag-attributes relationships by representing those as `Modifier`s. But that is what I was going to do.
Yeah, it makes sense to me, but the interesting thing starts if you try to create composables to use on all platforms I expected at least some percent of people are more into using
rather than raw html with flexes One thing to note is that it could be the case that my repo will be deprecated in favor of more stable and official versions after everything's merged I'll try to keep it updated, but wanted to avoid confusion or repeating the work in case something changes :) Anyways, feel free to contribute, I guess that no one has figured how to better structure this thing yet, so you could be the first as well ;)
@shikasd I made you a PR to fix dom problems in NodeWrapper.
Also do you need help for your merge requests on to compose ? I see that you have four patch series. Do you think this will go in 1.0.0-beta3 ?
Not really, the JS part was ready to merge for awhile, it is now a matter of JB/Google people looking at it Also note that JB seems to experiment with DOM api as well (see another thread in this channel). If they are going to publish something, I will deprecate my implementation, just to avoid confusion/unnecessary competition :)
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