@ dmitriy.novozhilov pinged me today that JS is no...
# python-contributors
@ dmitriy.novozhilov pinged me today that JS is now having the new testing infra in master: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/tree/8a1362de03bc930072ca8a5a3ed997e23050423c/js/js.tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/js/testNew
good to know! is it planned to turn off/remove any parts of the old infra? in other words, are we in any rush in terms of moving to the new infra?
Well, until we merge changes from upstream, definitely we can continue using the old infra 🙂 But I'm not sure when the old infra is going to be completely removed. I remember Dmitriy told me that it's in plans, but maybe plans are different now or these aren't near plans
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I'd advice to shelve it and push features forward 🙂 once it stops working or we synchronize with the upstream (once 1.6.0 is done, in theory it's the moment where we agreed to do so, but it will happen probably within a month) - it seems like a good moment to revisit
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We migrate to new infrastructure iteratively, migrating only those parts which are required at some moment. In bright far future all old tests will be removed, but it will happen not earlier than old frontend will be dropped from codebase. So you can don't rush with your own migration Also note that js tests migration will occur only in 1.6.20 release branch (because 1.6.0 already branched and those commits are not backported here, and 1.6.10 will be bracnhed from 1.6.0, not from master)
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