I'm working on translating field declarations (`vi...
# python-contributors
I'm working on translating field declarations (
visitField(declaration: IrField...
, branch translate-field-declarations), however it's tricky because in Python to be able to use some function, it has to be first defined. That's why now all box tests fail with:
Copy code
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/piotr/repos/kotlin-python/python/py.translator/testData/out/codegen/irBox/when/noElseInStatement_v5.py4568195347954504164/consumer.py", line 1, in <module>
    from compiled_module import box
  File "/home/piotr/repos/kotlin-python/python/py.translator/testData/out/codegen/irBox/when/noElseInStatement_v5.py4568195347954504164/compiled_module.py", line 1356, in <module>
NameError: name 'UNDEFINED_RESULT_init_' is not defined
TODO: I think we need to do a similar thing that is done for JavaScript - move field assignments to the bottom, or reorder stuff in some other smart way. Leaving my work-in-progress change on the branch in case someone wants to tackle this problem. If not, I'll get back to it in a few days
Note in JS we are going to switch to lazy init strategy for properties. It’s available under flag now and we going to make it default.
Yeah, good point. It would remove a need to reorder stuff. Thanks, will try this approach!
From users POV it will work like on JVM
🆒 1
Also, there is an implementation for Kotlin/Native too
🙏 1
FTR, PropertyLazyInitLowering is responsible for making things lazy in K/JS. It's enabled if
compiler flag is set. Also fun fact: it was me who reported a bug with incorrect ordering 3 years ago, so glad to see it being addressed 😄 https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-25796
👍 1