<@ULERY2F70> do you need any other feature or an a...
# github-workflows-kt
@andylamax do you need any other feature or an action wrapper to support your workflows? I could add them into the next release to speed things up
@Nikky the same question goes to you :) e. g. I see you use some custom wrappers here https://github.com/NikkyAI/twitch-announcement-discord-bot/blob/77ecc4682286a1811100696d175d19af57e289c3/.github/workflows/docker_workflow.main.kts#L103 - we could support them in the lib
would be nice, i will create issues or pr them myself later
🚀 1
Oooh yes please. 1. Job dependencies (I missed the needs property for jobs) 2. I failed to get the Cache Action so that I can cache kotlin/native compiler and node_modules
The first one is a core feature request i think, the second one.. I have a working wrapper for it..
@andylamax Ad. 1: do you mean this?
Yes, I mean that one. Was it there and I just missed it? or is it a recent add?
it's been there from the very beginning 🙂