you likely want a standalone AOP solution like Asp...
# kapt
you likely want a standalone AOP solution like AspectJ
Ok, am I right in thinking annotation processors can create new classes, but not modify existing ones? so another option could be to generated Timed$class and use that everywhere? but probably an AOP solution is what I'll end up doing
annotation processors can create new classes, but not modify existing ones
Maybe you could use ByteBuddy, and have a custom Guice binder that wraps all your dependencies with a dynamic proxy version Hibernate uses ByteBuddy to generate DB entity proxy subclasses that can lazy load joins with SQL Your dependency classes could get bound to a provider that generates the proxy subclass with hooks that record metrics. You might need open classes + protected methods for this to work tho. You could use the all open plugin and sed s/private fun/protected fun/g.