Getting this error when creating a custom `DataBin...
# kapt
Getting this error when creating a custom
inside a library module which is being used from an app module (in an android project):
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e: Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. Please make sure you have the required dependencies in the classpath:
    class <redacted>.CustomComponent, unresolved supertypes: android.databinding.DataBindingComponent
Is this a bug in kapt?
Tested with Kotlin 1.2.50 and 1.2.51
I don't think that this is a bug of kapt, more likely some problem with your dependencies or build config. Are you sure that your module has runtime dependency of databindings?
Databinding has been setup correctly in both modules using:
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apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'


dataBinding {
   enabled = true
This is created inside the library module:
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class LifeCycleBindings(private val lifecycle: LifeCycle): LifecycleObserver {
    val disposables = CompositeDisposable()

    init {

    fun TextView.test(test: String) {
	// just for demoing

    fun dispose() {
Building the project generates the following in both modules (by kapt?):
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package android.databinding;

public interface DataBindingComponent {
    LifeCycleBindings getLifeCycleBindings();
Creating the following inside the library module (and using it in the app module), gives the aforementioned error:
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class LifecycleBindingComponent(private val lifecycle: Lifecycle) : DataBindingComponent {
    override fun getLifeCycleBindings(): LifeCycleBindings {
        return LifeCycleBindings(lifecycle)
But creating this file inside the app module (and using it in the app module) works without any problems. I want to provide a ready made
for the consumers of this library, without having to force the consumer to create a class.
@yan ^^ I can create a sample project if it helps.
@okaymak It would be very appreciated.