If not, is there a location where I can delete it ...
# kapt
If not, is there a location where I can delete it manually?
Only kapt build cache? while keeping the rest as it is?
Well it keeps resurfacing generated classes that I moved to another package. Disabling gradle build cache didn't change that they resurface
^ @h0tk3y
any news? Its annoying on other laptops even clearing the gradle build class recreates some outdated generated files
not sure where I can actually clear it
Sorry for taking so long. I believe you can delete the Gradle build cache located in
(or something similar), though if the classes keep appearing with the wrong package names even with caching disabled, it might mean there's a problem somewhere else, e.g. in incremental compilation. Does this happen in a clean build with caching enabled? Anyway, an issue like this is worth investigating deeper, so it will be great if you report it to the issue tracker and provide more details so that we can try to reproduce it.
sure I can report it. I run ./gradlew cleanBuildCache, also clear out the build/ dir of the offending directory. I will try that in the gradle cache
I will test removing the directory and then if it fails, report my steps.
and yes it happens in a clean build with caching enabled. I can try disabling it
disabling cache, clearing it, building works. enabling cache +building again works too. shouldnt kapt clear its build cache during the
relates to Android Build Cache, which is a different thing from Gradle Build Cache.