``` gradle.projectsEvaluated { tasks.withType(...
# kapt
Copy code
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
    tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
        options.compilerArgs << "-Xmaxerrs" << "500"

kapt {
    javacOptions {
        option("-Xmaxerrs", 500)
@yan ^^
Can you reproduce it somehow? I think there might be such an issue with a long chain of exceptions. But there are no limiters on the kapt side, so it might be Java and/or Gradle problem.
I have not found a way to reproduce it outside of our project, but I've seen a few other people report the same issue on kotlinlang forums.
@yan Is there some kind of debugging I could do or switch I can add that may give you more information?
I’ve confirmed that
is passing the value correctly (setting to 150 limited the error output correctly, setting to 200 showed all 190 error messages). It still does not fix the underlying kapt exception though.
For anyone following along we found a workaround to at least show the errors (tl;dr use original kapt)