Hey there, :wave: Recently created a small library...
# opensource
Hey there, 👋 Recently created a small library, called Pluck (helps you to pick image via Gallery/Camera built using Compose) Looking forward for feedbacks/reviews. https://github.com/hi-manshu/Pluck
What does it offer that Google's ModernStorage Photo picker library doesn't?
Isn't this is in app gallery picker, not just system gallery picker helper as modernstorage
☝️ 1
But system picker is better for privacy reasons (no need to request access to all media), and it's not limited to what's physically on the device storage: one can search Google Photos for example
So, I don't see the point 🤔
But system picker is better for privacy reasons
Point is that it still used by so many applications, even with all privacy reasons, system file picker UX is bad on many devices. If you get top 10 apps in 9 you will see in-app gallery picker
it’s not limited to what’s physically on the device storage: one can search Google Photos for example
Believe me, I know all the advantages, but I also know that system picker has inconsistent behaviour, we did quite a lot of research in this area in our app, and I was against in-app gallery picker, but after all research and reports of all possible problems with image picker I was actually convinced that in-app picker is not the worst solution
so we ended up with in-app picker and optional permission, without permission user just can use system picker so any storage access framework integrations are still available
👍🏼 1
👍 1
I suggest summarizing the outcome of this discussion in library's README 🙂