Hey there, do you guys know if the underlying stac...
# opensource
Hey there, do you guys know if the underlying stack of https://play.kotlinlang.org/ is publicly available in a way that we/I could use it to include executable examples in the documentation of a kotlin open-source project?
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I think there's a #dokka feature called "samples" for that. There's also the source of Kotlin Playground: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-playground I know that #data2viz uses inline playgrounds (as seen in Kotlin docs online) as well.
I think dokka samples relate more to sample inclusion into generated docs. I'm using this feature already. kotlin-playground is answer I was looking for. Fingers crossed that I'll manage to setup this fancy piece of tech. Thank you for the pointer.
Do you mind sharing your results in the end? I was thinking to do the same as well but did not have the time so far.
Sure thing, just watch https://github.com/holgerbrandl/kalasim/issues/7 which I'm using to track it
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