There is also this: <
# opensource
There is also this: (I didn’t try either, so I don’t know if they are essentially the same thing or not)
They seem to have it in #mirror
Interesting library and approach. It does do something completely different though. - It's for runtime, I need the info at build time (annotation processing) - It uses annotation processing on its own - I just want the
info in a consumer-friendly way - You have to specify the types for which you need a mirror in advance which seems like quite some overhead - You need a plugin - It's for kotlinx serialization as far I can see?
It’s multiplatform, that’s why I think it has to be a plugin.
Maybe, I haven't ventured into that path yet 😄
@orangy That's correct, it's for multiplatform. It's built to be a semi-permanent replacement to the unimplemented Kotlin reflection, and is specifically focused on runtime usage.