Why not just discuss it all here?
# opensource
Why not just discuss it all here?
@orangy I feel this channel has a more broad topic. I explained my possibly wrong thinking here: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0922A726/p1512988768000088?thread_ts=1512988494.000148&cid=C0922A726
Consequently, I fear intensive library development discussions would drive people already in this channel out because they may be only interested in the outcome, just like most people are interested in having faster internet, but don't care about how to make it faster technically
When and if there will be intensive discussions on particular narrow topic, it can spin off easily. It is not clear if intensive discussions will be on general library development, on particular popular library, on which is best documentation tool, or something completely different. I perceive it like premature optimization at this point 🙂
Just start discussing API here and see how much interest there is. Consider #server which has lots of different topics discussed, and then some channels about specific engines, like #vertx or #ktor or #spring or #exposed.
So #opensource is more suited and I should delete the #library-development channel?
I think that improving #opensource would help more that creating a new channel, but it’s up to you. May be #library-development will have a better audience, who knows? 🙂
🤔 1
Well, for now, #opensource has a better audience since you're not in #library-development 😉