<@U3FQ036VB> alternatives to meetup here <https://...
# berlin
Instead of setting up something from scratch, we could also stay on this channel and add an Eventbot integration for your meetups: https://geteventbot.com/
@hhariri Would it be an option for JB to add this integration?
What about the people that are not in the kotlinlang slack channel? I think the first thing to do would be to collect emails at the next meetup. With informed consent of course. Then you can decide later where you want to announce new events.
To improve the visibility of this channel I: - Mentioned it in the opening of the event yesterday. - Added it to the group description on Meetup - Left a comment mentioning it in the Meetup group After almost 3 years of running events on Meetup I experienced too many no-shows. It got really hard to match the RSVP limit with the venue capacity. Sometimes it's 4:1. Or you have a waiting list with members waiting for nothing. Raising the bar a little bit (e.g. RSVPing through this channel) could help a lot. Of course it's up to @krotki how to proceed after November, this is just my 2 cents.
👍 1
For the Android meetups we never enforce a venue limit. So far it has always worked out. Sometimes it gets a bit crowded. But we never had to send people away.
Most hosts ask for a limit, so that they can better estimate how much food and drinks to order.