Does anyone have any tips for mocking classes defi...
# multiplatform
Does anyone have any tips for mocking classes defined in Kotlin from Swift? Context being that I'm writing a Swift class that takes a Kotlin dependency. This works perfectly in production but in tests I'd like to be able to mock out that kotlin dependency
you can declare an interface for that class in kotlin. it will become a swift protocol. and then you can use that protocol for ios mock / fake
Yeah that's what I've done but can't find a mocking framework that will auto-generate the mock, do you have any examples?
that's a general pain point with ios development, not related to kotlin native. afaik there's no mockk-like stuff, because swift doesn't fully support reflection
theoretically these are obj-c classes so they could be mocked... but I don't think anyone created such a framework, because there wouldn't be much of a market for it
There's a few decent swift mocking libraries these days, mockingbird for example, (though like you said they work off a different principle to most due to the lack of reflection) My question was more whether someone had created a framework that allows for mocking the classes defined in Kotlin
Have you found any solution for this? I am struggling with the same problem. I want to generate mocks for interface declared in Kotlin common code.
I changed my architecture. I now have all my ViewModels defined in common Kotlin code, so only my Views are in swift. This eliminates my need for mocking kotlin code since I don't need to inject mocks into my views for testing, doesn't answer your question but hope it helps!
There is no way for me to push my team to write shared view models now 😄 So it does not help but thanks for replying.
swifty-mocky doesn't work on protocols from kotlin? never tried
I don't think so because you have to annotate the protocols that will be mocked. I don't think you can do that in Kotlin 🤔
True... our ios team was exploring an idea to create mocks of classes by generating their extensions, instead of class implementations of protocols - with an api kind of like swifty mocky has but without the need to use protocols. The idea is to use sourcery to create them. I wonder if that idea could be leveraged for this problem as well. E.g.
Copy code
protocol from kotlin -> annotated extension of that protocol (just so you have something to add the annotation to) -> generated extension which mocks behaviors of the protocol
We use mockingbird. We had to 1. make sure the iOS app is using `interface`_s_ from shared code, e.g.
interface SharedCodeInterface
2. manually convert those `interface`s to Swift protocols and put them in files under dir
MockingSupport/<shared module's framework name>/
, e.g.
public protocol SharedCodeInterface { ... }
3. write protocols in our tests that conform to the protocols of step 2, e.g.
public protocol TestSharedCodeInterface : SharedCodeInterface {}
4. use the protocols of step 4 in our tests, i.e.
5. set mockingbird's run script in Build phases to generate mock classes for code in tests too (i.e.
--targets appTarget testsTarget