I am working on my KMM backend server and I got th...
# multiplatform
I am working on my KMM backend server and I got this error:
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The 'java' plugin has been applied, but it is not compatible with the Android plugins.
In my shared build.gradle I have this. If I just use jvm() instead no issues, except it goes to androidMain not jvmMain.
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kotlin {
    jvm {
I have a sinking feeling it won't be resolved any time soon based on this issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-30878 Is the best bet to just have web and server have one KMM project and android/iOS and everything else have the other, or should servers just not be in the KMM project currently?
kotlin { android() jvm() }
works as long as you avoid `kotlin.jvm.withJava()`; do you need it?
I would prefer to have the server code get info from jvmMain but I am stuck with it pulling from androidMain. I just minimize what it needs from shared.
I'm not sure what you're doing exactly, but I would not use the same MPP project for multiple binaries. common code in MPP, then separate project for Android, JVM, and web applications.
Yes. My server project connects to androidMain. Each common project has its own Platform class so I can tell. I have iOS and Android also separate but all connect to a shared project. It is my backend server that has a problem.
if your backend is pulling in the wrong configuration without
, it sounds like a dependency issue that is better resolved there rather than using
here as a workaround
is that the only reason you need it or is there something else? yeah, there probably is not any road to making
work together
You can look at https://github.com/jblack975/MyOutfitPicker and see how it is set up. When I start up the server I get this output.
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Wrong shared subproject.
Due to this:
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try {
    val s = println(Platform().platform)
} catch(e:Throwable) { println("Wrong shared subproject.")}
It tries to execute this line:
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actual val platform: String = "Android ${android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT}"
what kotlin version are you using? it's not in the repo
I see your server is using kotlin-platform-jvm; this is deprecated and should not be used
if I set kotlinVersion=1.6.10 and remove that plugin, the server looks like it picks up the right variant
When I try and have it as this, and have the commented out line in the jvmMain project, then API_KEY is "88888", so without the plugin it still doesn't work.
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val apiKey = "88888"//BuildKonfig.api_key

val weatherClientApiKey = BuildKonfig.weather_client_api_key
actual class Platform actual constructor() {
    actual val platform: String = "Android "

So regardless, with or without the plugin it still goes to shared/androidMain, not jvmMain, with Kotlin 1.6.10 or 1.6.20. Thanks for trying though. Guessing it will just be broken for the foreseeable future.