Who knows if `gradle 7.3.3` is supported by KMM pl...
# multiplatform
Who knows if
gradle 7.3.3
is supported by KMM plugin? I've found that unit tests for native platform can't be run.
I am using it with no issues, but not sure if you are talking about Gradle plugin or KMM IDE plugin. Unit tests should be only Gradle test tasks executed inside the configuration run in the IDE instead of in any terminal
also had problems here with native test, in a brand new project (after upgrading gradle ofcourse). no problems in 7.2 however. didn’t check youtrack yet.
👍 1
Same, using it without issues https://github.com/MartinRajniak/CatViewerDemo/blob/main/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties Do you have any logs / error message?
here is some gradle log and stacktrace on 7.3.3 (had to clip it, full log attachted
Copy code
Executing tasks: [:shared:cleanIosX64Test, :shared:iosX64Test] in project /Users/t/studio/gbot/shared

Type-safe dependency accessors is an incubating feature.
> Configure project :shared
Kotlin Multiplatform Projects are an Alpha feature. See: <https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/evolution/components-stability.html>. To hide this message, add 'kotlin.mpp.stability.nowarn=true' to the Gradle properties.
The following Kotlin source sets were configured but not added to any Kotlin compilation:
 * androidAndroidTestRelease
 * androidTestFixtures
 * androidTestFixturesDebug
 * androidTestFixturesRelease
You can add a source set to a target's compilation by connecting it with the compilation's default source set using 'dependsOn'.
See <https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/building-mpp-with-gradle.html#connecting-source-sets>
> Task :shared:cleanIosX64Test
> Task :shared:checkApolloVersions
> Task :shared:generateGithubApolloSources
> Task :checkGithubApolloDuplicates UP-TO-DATE
> Task :shared:generateBuildKonfig
> Task :shared:compileKotlinIosX64
> Task :shared:iosX64ProcessResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :shared:iosX64MainKlibrary
> Task :shared:compileTestKotlinIosX64
> Task :shared:linkDebugTestIosX64
> Task :shared:iosX64Test FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':shared:iosX64Test'.
> No value present
* Try:
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':shared:iosX64Test'.
	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.lambda$executeIfValid$1(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:145)
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
	at org.gradle.tooling.internal.provider.runner.TestTaskExecutionTracker.getTaskPath(TestTaskExecutionTracker.java:45)
👍 1
yes, this is one
Same issue here, but without the KMM plugin and on macOs M1.