Hello, Has anyone created a GitHub action/app for ...
# multiplatform
Hello, Has anyone created a GitHub action/app for kotlinx-kover?
What is the benefit of having an action over running the tasks directly?
It would be nice to display the kover report in a PR automatically
You can use the report with other platforms like codecov or sonarqube
sadly it is not working for everyone
at least sonarqube, I haven't tried codecov
if try kover with it, share feedback here :)
That’s true, but it’s nice to have alternatives
Something like that, but for kover xml file report, would be a nice
Personally I would prefer to know if the coverage is lower or higher than before
👍 1
and that too
this is also good but it does not support the Intellij Coverage Report xml yet.
Hello you do not need a GitHub app for that, you will need the app for the tool that you want to use ie. you can use
to generate reports and upload it with other app, like codecov, codacy etc. example: https://github.com/Oztechan/CCC/blob/develop/.github/workflows/main.yml#L65-L75 these 2 steps uploads my covarage reports generated with
into Codecov and Codacy, as you can see apps are belongs to 3rd party services meanwhile the
job that generates those reports is depend on
job so no need to that one more time
Neat solution but I am trying to make it work without tools like Codacy as a PoC.
👍 1
@Mustafa Ozhan have you got it working with Sonarqube?
nope, I mean I din’t try. I use Codecov and Codacy but should be the same once you got the reports
the key point here is
don’t merge the reports (for now, i created issue for that), so any tool can accept seperate reports can view it
sadly I can't get it working with sonarqube (or sonarcloud)
I haven't tried codecov or codacy, don't remember but one of them was failing for me when I was omitting common package directories
I am unable to get it working with codacy, probably because the missing common package folders?
yep, the problem was that...
KMP is generating an empty report for me