Is there any established best practice thus far as...
# multiplatform
Is there any established best practice thus far as to how data is passed from a shared module to native apps, let’s say in case of POJO from a network response? I’ve used to using Flows for pure Android development, the KMM prod sample uses a wrapper around the Flows (, is this an approach to consider?
k Here are some useful libraries. E.g. see 'koru'
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Thanks Konstantin, that’s an excellent resource! I’ve been looking KMM and on the side building a template app now for about two weeks, don’t know how I missed this great list 💪
Played around with Koru for a while but it didn’t seem to convince me: dependency on
appeared to cause more issues than I wanted, includig this one: Testing out the other options now 👍
Hey @Matti MK I'm the maintainer of Koru, will look into that. What's your use case for jdk 16 anyway?
Okay, read the youtrack issue, doesn't seem like something I can do other than ditch kapt (which I'm wrapping my head around for some time)
If you had any other issues, let me know
@Michal Klimczak Thanks for your message! Otherwise everything worked great, except the
issues, sadly 😞. I’ve been playing around with KMM for a bit and to be honest, cannot remember the the why’s behind JDK16 anymore, I believe it was imposed/recommended by some other dependency along the way. I reverted back to just manually wrapping the flows, but it’s not a that great solution. I’ll give Koru another go later along the line to. Meanwhile, which JDK would you recommend to try it out with?
I'm using 11 with all my current android / kmm projects and it seems to be the current standard. Afair there is also difference between jdk version that you use for your buildscript and the one set to be used by the app and kapt only fails with the former set to 16, but don't quote me on that, I might have imagined it ;)
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Gotcha, thanks for the great library, I really hope I can give it a proper try in a week or two 👍
sure, let me know if you have any issues
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