# multiplatform
https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2021/06/kmm-for-appcode/ Looks pretty cool. I don't do iOS development so I don't know what certain features actually mean to me as a KMM dev... like
To build the iOS part, AppCode generates a temporary Xcode project and invokes the Xcode build system, so you can be sure that our Gradle project model will work the same as a regular Xcode project does.
Can anyone shed light on this? I'm using kmm now and doesn't it always generate an xcode project in the begining which is what allows us to open up the project in xcode?
🔥 7
Last time i’ve touched appcode about 5-6 years ago. Is there arose any support for not-code-things, such as build phases, and other plists etc?
getting following which looks to be related to issue with determining location of android sdk.....notes say "It should be automatically identified by the plugin and set in `local.properties`:"
Copy code
com.jetbrains.cidr.xcode.templates.XcodeTemplateUtil$TemplateIOException: Specify Android SDK
Specify Android SDK
	at org.jetbrains.konan.wizard.AppCodeKMMProjectTemplate.populate(AppCodeKMMProjectTemplate.kt:56)
	at com.jetbrains.cidr.wizard.NewXcodeProjectWizard.lambda$runWizard$1(NewXcodeProjectWizard.java:161)
	at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runWriteActionWithClass(ApplicationImpl.java:924)
	at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runWriteAction(ApplicationImpl.java:950)
	at com.intellij.openapi.application.WriteAction.compute(WriteAction.java:104)
	at com.jetbrains.cidr.wizard.NewXcodeProjectWizard.runWizard(NewXcodeProjectWizard.java:161)
not sure if there's some other way I can point it to where android sdk is?
maybe try a different android sdk version?
I think main issue is that it's not detecting the location of one I have
Not sure if that can be configured for AppCode or the plugin
i now get exactly the same error message as you #progress
i used appcode on my project a couple of months back and the support wasn’t the greatest. I do love intelij products but app code wasn’t up to the mark. Swift UI previews don’t work without a workaround and even the workaround doesn’t make them work properly. I also kept running into a problem where running iOS project from AppCode wouldn’t launch the simulator and would get stuck
i try appcode once a year since its release and it was always very impressive and not ready for real production work at the same time. mostly because of no support for current swift versions.
@John O'Reilly @christophsturm Sorry for the inconvenience with the exception, it's supposed to detect the SDK location automatically, but apparently it's not reliable enough. We've already pushed a fix, please try updating the plugin
@Vyacheslav Karpukhin [JB] working now, thanks!