I have a KMM project with targets for Android/iOS ...
# multiplatform
I have a KMM project with targets for Android/iOS only. Whenever I invoke a test from commonMain from the IDE gutter it defaults to running the
cleanIosTest iosTest
gradle tasks. I can edit the configuration of past tests to use a different gradle task but am curious if there is a way to have the tests that are started from the gutter to use a different gradle task?
You'll get a dropdown to select a target if you have more than one non-android target. There's a bug with Android targets which is fixed in the latest IDEA and will apparently be in the next AS/KMM plugin version https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-34535 https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-42463
Ahh, I'll just wait for the next update. I read about that dropdown in KMM docs (or a blog), but I never get that when I run tests from IDE. Thanks for the info