does anyone know of a multiplatform URL representa...
# multiplatform
does anyone know of a multiplatform URL representation, with basic parsing capability? Ktor has one, but it's too heavy to drag into the browser for just one class...
but really depends on what you need
that has the right feature-set, but it seems to be JVM only?
ah yeah, sorry. i include the dep in my
, didn’t notice that part
As far as existing libraries, Ktor is really what we have for common. Though, I don’t think that building a simple wrapper with expect/actual would be a huge deal.
yeah I was thinking of pulling the KTor url class out into its own package with expect/actual - was hoping someone else had bumped into this already 🙂
What platforms are you targeting?
JVM and JS
I assume you really just need stuff like…. and this is probably way more than needed
that's it - really just the ability to represent a URL, and parse one from a String
*represent the components of a URL
I think that relying on actuals without external libs will be your easiest fastest implementation
👍 1
Sadly — one of the (sometimes fun) pains of us using kotlin in the state it is. I had to do this not long ago for a File representation between iOS, mac, JVM, and Android - that had some Unexpected nonsense.
good treeshaking in the browser might be able to solve this - ktor is just too heavy to use in JS, unless you really need the functionality
And… in my experience a lot of their builders and internal tools don’t work. That can be a real pain to trace back