Saw 1.4.20 is out, tried upgrading a project from ...
# multiplatform
Saw 1.4.20 is out, tried upgrading a project from 1.4.20-RC that also uses the kotlinx atomic plugin
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buildscript {
Module build.gradle.kts:
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plugins {
After the upgrade the IDE (Android Studio 4.1) shows this import in error, but gradle build still works:
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import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
In the IDE, the ending "atomic" is red as if it isn't in the dependencies, but gradle builds OK and tests run. Previously I had seen IDE-bad vs Gradle-good build issues in this project on the "java" package, but adding this to fixed that:
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That option is still set and doesn't help this new atomic issue. Anyone else seen this with 1.4.20? I'm still researching. Thanks in advance for any info...
Scroll up... It's not ready yet
Oh well, I was hoping for something simple since IDE was happy with 1.40.20-RC. Thanks!