Hi, I was wondering if anyone tried to publish, a ...
# multiplatform
Hi, I was wondering if anyone tried to publish, a MPP lib that is build on multiple machines. Use case is: • build osx lib on mac • build Android on Unix • maybe building something on Windows How do I combine artifacts from each machine to a single artifatory? Since there is this
file in main lib, that contains information about every platform and calling multiple time
or sth similar would override that
file. So basically it comes to how to publish artifacts build on different platforms to a single lib?
In your gradle script check your os and disable publishing for invalid platforms
Then you can safely fun publish on each platforms supported host. Let me find you a sample repo
There you go. They've made it even easier now https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/mpp-publish-lib.html
Trick is to upload your artifacts from multiple build and then mark them as published on your repo in last build
so it will append extra variants only on artifactory? I won't remove anything. I have sample that: • first upload lib artifacts on mac, • and then on linux • compiles linux app using artifacts And it works, but if I swap first step with second it doesn't.
This will ensure that variats that can be built on multiple hosts will only be built on main host, thus allowing you to build everything in parallel
Just add systemProp mainHost to your main host job
I'm not sure if I get it, I'll test and get back to you with it's okay
How would you ensure that marking the uploads as published (e.g. with Bintray) happens last? usually the CI tasks run in parallel.
you can have stages in most CIs. So something like this:
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Would be great if anyone in the channel could provide a working example for GitHub Actions 🙂 So far I’m publishing everything manually from my MacBook which doesn’t scale too well and doesn’t support Linux/MingW 🙈
that's what I'm trying, I'm using jenkins currently for something like that, however right now I'm not publishing anything 😕
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kotlin {
    android {
        if (OSKind.current != OSKind.OSX) {
            publishLibraryVariants("release", "debug")
    iosX64("ios") {
        binaries {
            framework {
                baseName = "K14Lib"
    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting
        val commonTest by getting 
        val androidMain by getting 
        val androidTest by getting
        val iosMain by getting
        val iosTest by getting

    configure(listOf(targets["metadata"], android(), iosX64("ios"))) {
        mavenPublication {
            val targetPublication = this@mavenPublication
            println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ${targetPublication.artifactId}")
                .matching { it.publication == targetPublication }
                .all { onlyIf { OSKind.current != OSKind.OSX } }

artifactory {
    publish(delegateClosureOf<org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.dsl.PublisherConfig> {
        repository(delegateClosureOf<org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.dsl.DoubleDelegateWrapper> {
            setProperty("repoKey", "libs-release-local")
            setProperty("username", "publisher")
            setProperty("password", "****")
            setProperty("maven", true)
        defaults(delegateClosureOf<groovy.lang.GroovyObject> {
            invokeMethod("publications", arrayOf(
                "androidDebug", "androidRelease", "ios", "iosArm64", "kotlinMultiplatform", "metadata"
I'm not sure if it's artifactory wrongly configured or maven part
Do you need an Artifactory plugin and can’t just use the plain maven plugin? That’s my configuration:, but for Bintray https://github.com/fluidsonic/fluid-gradle/blob/7c138968d24165cbf17c010d8e0fac84cc52fc09/sources/LibraryModuleConfigurator.kt#L562 I find maven publishing very fragile in general 😕
In github-actions you cat build and publish artifacts from different OS to the same tag
What do you mean by “to the same tag”? Th question is how I can make the publication “public” after the last artifact has been uploaded, e.g. the “publish” action on Bintray.
> What do you mean by “to the same tag”? https://github.com/svenstaro/upload-release-action
tag: ${{ github.ref }}
I publish 4 artifacts - macos release/debug and windows release/debug
Ah, we’re talking about maven publishing which I think works very differently 😅
Sorry 😞
@Big Chungus it looks that it works, but I'm not sure why and if it's okay. What I have is lib build config like that (I removed artifactory plugin thx @Marc Knaup):
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val isPublishRun: String? by project

kotlin {
    android {
        if (OSKind.current != OSKind.OSX) {
            publishLibraryVariants("release", "debug")
    iosX64("ios") {
        binaries {
            framework {
                baseName = "K14Lib"
    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting
        val commonTest by getting
        val androidMain by getting
        val androidTest by getting
        val iosMain by getting
        val iosTest by getting

    configure(listOf(targets["metadata"], android(), iosX64("ios"))) {
        mavenPublication {
            val targetPublication = this@mavenPublication
            val shouldPublish = isPublishRun == "yes"
                .matching { it.publication == targetPublication }
                .all { onlyIf { shouldPublish } }
Then I run jobLin/Mac in parallel and then jobPublish with this
set to true. After that I can compile iOS and Android App just fine. But I don't know if artfiacts on artifactory should look like this: https://artifactory.speednet.pl/artifactory/public/me/mikolaj/K14-test-mobileLib/1.4-SNAPSHOT/ (user: public, pass: publicpublic) it looks like that this
thing was 3 uploaded times
Looks like all the subdirectories are missing 😮 That’s how it should look like: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/fluidsonic/locale/
I’ve never done it with SNAPSHOT builds - it could lead to different results so it may be fine. But for iOS there should be two artifacts. You also need
for the device.
only works for the simulator.
yes, it just proof of concept for this building from multiple machines
Ah okay 🙂
Difficult to tell if it’ll be correct without actually using it. So many things that could go wrong.