Hello, World! So... I think about 8 months ago I ...
# multiplatform
Hello, World! So... I think about 8 months ago I made a Kotlin MP "framework" for iOS, and oddly, the hardest part was to find how to actually import it in my XCode project (I'm not an iOS developer). I remember it took me several hours until I finally made it work somehow. Fast forward to now, I'm trying to make a MacOS app, I have the framework, I created a new empty XCode project ... and I'm finding myself stuck at the step again! Googling and stackoverflowing since this afternoon and it's 23h05 now. The instructions [here](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/native/apple-framework.html#xcode-for-macos-target) are all too vague. Is there anyone here who has a step by step guide on how to do import a framework into a project with a recent XCode (with screenshots maybe?). I would be forever grateful...
I've found that using Cocoapods plugin is easiest way to do this. There's some instructions on it's use at https://github.com/jshvarts/KmpGithub
thanks a lot! I'll have a look
(I can't believe something so simple can be so hard)
fwiw if you need another example I'm also using it for https://github.com/joreilly/PeopleInSpace
if you just want to use a framework file then you need to add it as an embedded binary in the target settings
It looks like all I needed was to copy the .dsym file as well as the whole xxxx.famework folder in a subfolder of my project, and then add it as a framework in the settings. The only difference between working and not working, is the fact that it was copied inside the project. So I guess, basically, it works if it's inside / doesn't work if it's somewhere else on the disk. I'll make a short medium article with screenshots I guess, mainly for my future self 😄
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