Has anyone explored, or seen demos, of a MP projec...
# multiplatform
Has anyone explored, or seen demos, of a MP project with a JS frontend? Here I mean the kotlinjs output would be imported into a js project, not a kotlinjs project. All the samples I have seen are using kotlinjs. This type of setup would be useful for integrating into existing JS projects
Kotlin compiler produces js file which is valid JS module (comonjs, and or umd formats), so can be used as dependency for js project. Interop also described in this doc: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/js-to-kotlin-interop.html
yep, understand that, thanks...just checking if there was a know example to jump start a project. There is considerable setup to get started, especially for a non JS expert. Will share if a find one, or make one.
With new Kotlin Js plugin it's pretty simple config, it's more question how you want to integrate it with your js project