With kotlin/MPP 1.3.31 `fun foo(block: (Int) ->...
# multiplatform
With kotlin/MPP 1.3.31
fun foo(block: (Int) -> Unit) { ... }
in Kotlin would be
func foo(block: (KotlinInt) -> KotlinUnit)
in Swfit, and
foo(Function1<Integer, Unit> block)
in Java. Both require KotlinUnit.Init() (or Unit.INSTANCE) After upgraded to 1.3.40, it can be
func foo(block: (KotlinInt) -> Void)
in Swift, without the KotlinUnit.Init(). Would it possible to omit the Unit.INSTANCE in Java?
it possible to omit the Unit.INSTANCE in Java
No, it’s not possible, because Such lambda represented by interface
Function1<in P1, out R>
on JVM, so you cannot declar R as Void.