I've noticed that if you publish a library with Gr...
# multiplatform
I've noticed that if you publish a library with Gradle Metadata, and then have another library depend on it that also uses Gradle Metadata, you must include the first library by its kotlinMetadata artifact as opposed to doing it individually target by target and anyone depending on the second library MUST use Gradle Metadata. Can anyone else confirm this?
With 1.3.20, the platform-specific modules of the second library will have dependencies on the platform-specific modules of the first library (as opposed to a dependency on the MPP module of the first library). I think a consumer who can't read the Gradle metadata should be able to resolve such a dependency. What went wrong in your case?
Ahhhh, I tried it a while back and it didn't work. It's probably fixed now - a guy requested that on my libraries I export Gradle Metadata and I didn't want to because I thought this was still the case.
Thank you much!